
Pressure Sensor
Pressure Sensor

Pressure Sensor Die – P1602 | NovaSensor

The NovaSensor P1602 Pressure Sensor Die is a piezoresistive pressure sensor offered in a miniature die. When excited with 1 mA constant current, the P1602 produces a millivolt output that is proportional to input pressure. The P1602 is available as an absolute pressure sensor, where the applied pressure is referenced to an internal vauum sealed within the die. With NovaSensor SenStable®, the P1602 will provide very low long-term stability erros and excellent repeatability.

Características e Benefícios

* Solid state, high reliability

* Low-cost, miniature size

* Standard pressure ranges: 0 to 15, 0 to 30, 0 to 50, 0 to 100 psia (1, 2.1, 3.4 and 6. 9 bar)

* Nonlinearity < 0.2 %FSO

* SenStable®, silicon fusion bonded sensor die


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Pressure Sensor Die – P1602 | NovaSensor

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