
Fiber Optic Solutions
Fiber Optic Solutions

LGX Fiber Management

Amphenol’s 948 Series Rack Mount Patch Panels provide a convenient location for patching single mode or multimode fiber optic cables from the cable termination point to the lightwave equipment. They are available in a variety of sizes to accommodate from 24 to 96 fibers.

The Rack Mount Patch Panels can be used in both cross-connect and interconnect applications. Preterminated multi-channel fiber optic pigtails are excellent for reducing installation costs and installer handling. The patch panel pigtail can be quickly and easily routed to the splicing location, eliminating the need for performing field terminations.

Rack Mount Patch Panels are used in backbone intermediate and horizontal cross-connects, equipment rooms, building entrances, headends, central offices and computer rooms.


Network Wireless & Broadband & DataCenter
LGX Fiber Management

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